The Investiture Ceremony
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter-3; Verse-21
“Whatever action is performed by a great man, common men follow in his footsteps. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.”
The Gita points out that great men are the path makers who blaze the trail that others follow. The light
generally comes from those individuals who are in advance of society, when they proclaim the splendor of
that light a few recognize it and slowly the many are persuaded to follow them
An investiture ceremony is a significant event that showcases the essence of leadership and
responsibility. It is an occasion where deserving individuals are honoured and entrusted with the authority
to lead and represent their respective roles
To inspire a healthy sense of competition, students of American Scholars’ Academy have been allocated
one of the four houses which symbolise the school & life values. Students develop a sense of belonging
and a feeling of unity in being a part of 1 specific house.
The Secret, well known
The four elements of FIRE, WATER, AIR and EARTH are the foundations of life. The heat of the sun, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the earth beneath our feet are essential to our existence.
They exist in a harmonious balance
and this balance is necessary for us
and the planet, to stay alive.

We introduce you to the 4 Houses:
Ignis House, the burning flame.
Aqua House, the heavenly drop of water.
Aerial House, the great winds.
Lithos House, the land of potential.
representing passion from inspiration
The first house that we have is the Ignis House - the symbol of burning flame represents the passion from inspiration while the colour red represents love, courage, sacrifice, victory and honour. Students of Ignis House stand strong and united at all times. They are creative and highly talented and this is the secret of their success in various inter house competitions. Students of Ignis house are known for their togetherness, and face adversities as a team. They are the jacks of all trades performing to the best of their abilities in sports and cultural events. Each house is led by the House Master for a year and The House Captain guiding their teams on all fronts and play a vital role in leading their team to victory in all events.

representing inner peace & sense of clarity
The next in line is the Aqua House - the symbol of a heavenly drop represents the
inner peace and a sense of clarity while the colour blue represents high intellectual
skills, stability and unity. The Aqua House takes great pride in working for their
‘Kingdom’ and have been the triumphant in many of the co-curricular activities, be it
quizzing or sports. Their greatest asset is their confidence and determination. Students
of the Aqua house possess immense intellectual vitality. They are committed to their
goals, and are all-rounders and achievers. Though known for intelligence, they can
summon immense courage in other fields as well, as duty calls.
Representing to sore high
The next one in line is the Aerial House - the symbol of the great winds represents their ability to sore high while the colour yellow represents the warmth of sun, happiness, hope and spontaneity. The Aerial House is better known for their dynamic, determined and dashing personalities. They are a shining example to the students of the school. Every Aerial House student is proud indeed to be part of a house that shines with the qualities of perseverance, faith in one another and the ‘never give up’ attitude. Students of the Aerial house are usually described as impeccable, par excellent, dependable, radiant, exquisite and spectacular.

LITHOS Houses:
Representing inspiration by the unadorned
Last but not the least in line is the Lithos House - the symbol of the land of potential represents
the inspiration by the unadorned while the colour green represents elements like nature, fertility
and life. It represents growth and harmony and is the colour of the environment. The Green house
is appropriately named ‘Lithos’, because of their link to the natural elements of the environment
and as are they, the natural winners. The Lithos House is always ready, rearing to go on and
achieve always while keeping their goals in mind. The green signal always signifies movement
and so do they. Students of the Lithos house are down to Earth, sociable and responsible. All the
members are all- rounders and are consistently good performers in academics as well as sports.
That is not all for the insights, our School Council has a few more pillars of strength working for different principles:
Discipline In-Charges
Cleanliness In-Charges
Sports In-Charges
Cultural In-Charges