Director's Message
Our Passion - To Unelash the Potential In Your Child...
The obj The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.
-Robert M. Hutchins
Many a times we are beset by the question. How much of learning is education, and how
much is information? There have been many opinions on the best way to educate children,
and to shift information from education, but none conclusive enough to enable
educationists to implement tools to really home in on what constitutes education; and
provide it in ample measures to the insatiable curiosity of children But at ASA we have
reasons to believe that irrespective of what makes of education, the prime aim of the
teacher is to keep the child interested, with plenty of knowledge and lots of information, if it
will help keep the flame of curiosity burning. And that is exactly what our teachers do, with
modules designed to make the child think and question the whys, the where and the how of
everything they learn.
This makes for a wonderfully interactive time in the classroom; and
the wonder keeps growing in off-classroom sessions as we take the child through the
school of life into a fun filled, meaningful world that keeps him glued to the subject being
taught. This is what makes ASAdifferent since teaching and learning by rote is not our cup
of tea. Believing that schools have a more comprehensive role to play than mere
"Educating" children, by making them aware of the beauty of the world around them, and
sensitising them to the environment - social and otherwise, helping them make
responsible choices in life.
Welcome to American Scholars Academy
Mohini Lamba
American Kidz Play School
American Scholars Academy